Saturday, January 10, 2009

What a year for me..

Lol.. time has gone by fast.. week by week, day by day pass by.. unbelievable.. I'm 17 years old next month.. this year i'm sitting for my SPM.. it is a very important year for me and all people who was born in 1992.. Gambate.. And all the best in SPM for all my dear friend and all who is sitting for SPM too..
Last year i'm study in B class.. a class which did not study additional mathematics.. but this year everything was changed.. I had changed my class again.. changed to a new class which need to study additional mathematics.. That's mean i need to learn the additional mathematics that i did not learn last year.. what a bad way..
I really felt the suffer from stress, pressure, tension and extremely tired.. I really don't know whether i will be able to handle or settle it or not.. I'm scared.. worry about it.. actually i'm a girl who is no confidence.. it's true.. I'm lack of confidence for that.. what can i do now.. find tuition? ask my friend to teach? study myself?
All changes of plan have made me totally confused.. Who will help me? who will spend time for me? who will support me until the end? who will always stand by my side whatever happens? is you? is you all? is others or nobody will to be the who that i typed? sigh..
Sometimes i really doubt whether supporter is there for me or not.. if you're there for me.. thanks a lot.. 2009 maybe is the last year for me to study in Kuen Cheng.. so many memories of my school.. I promise i will memorize it all the time.. just like i keep the happy memories of my primary school time in my heart.. :P